I have written published content for organisations, including universities, for many years. I have lots of experience of academic research and writing in music, philosophy and linguistics, and have an MA in English Language. I've produced papers and presentations which have been accepted for UK and international conferences and worked as a research assistant writing project reports. I currently write for the British Flute Society magazine, Pan, and recently worked as rapporteur for Making Music's adult learning events, writing up reports on each session which fed into the final manifesto. I also write a (sporadic, as many blogs seem to be!) blog - this gives a good sense of my typical writing style, but I'm very adaptable and can write to suit the audience or publication.
I'm open to one-off and longer-term writing projects - contact me to discuss your requirements.
I'm open to one-off and longer-term writing projects - contact me to discuss your requirements.
"The submission was carefully and logically constructed, with clarity in framework and language. Much research was evident, and obvious thought had been given to use of teaching material."
DipABRSM Teaching Diploma Written Submission comments
"Very well written and well structured. You have deployed salient literature effectively and your literature review is very well written. Your overall argument is well thought through, with clear and logical steps. You also draw on your own experiences appropriately and effectively. Your decisions about ethical issues were sensibly made, persuasively communicated and then applied conscientiously.Your writing is always clear and comprehensible… this could be the basis for a publishable study."
MA final dissertation feedback
DipABRSM Teaching Diploma Written Submission comments
"Very well written and well structured. You have deployed salient literature effectively and your literature review is very well written. Your overall argument is well thought through, with clear and logical steps. You also draw on your own experiences appropriately and effectively. Your decisions about ethical issues were sensibly made, persuasively communicated and then applied conscientiously.Your writing is always clear and comprehensible… this could be the basis for a publishable study."
MA final dissertation feedback
editing & proofreading
I offer proofreading and/ or editing services, from basic checking of spelling, typos and grammar, to suggestions on structure, presentation and layout, and advice on style and referencing. I can do this for any type of document on any subject - I can offer more in-depth subject-specific advice in music, linguistics, literature and philosophy. I have proofread PhD theses, final year degree dissertations, music diploma essays, academic papers and websites.
I also work with students on planning the structure and content of written material for assignments - for example in 2019-20 I supported a candidate to successfully complete the LLCM by Thesis diploma.
Get in touch if you need help with proofreading, editing, planning or refining your writing.
I also work with students on planning the structure and content of written material for assignments - for example in 2019-20 I supported a candidate to successfully complete the LLCM by Thesis diploma.
Get in touch if you need help with proofreading, editing, planning or refining your writing.
"Rachel provided a very fast and highly accurate service, and significantly exceeded my expectations in terms of the helpful editorial advice. For a very reasonable price, she clearly read and understood, and commented on places where the meaning was not clear in additional to providing detailed comments on spelling, punctuation, grammar and formatting. Excellent service – highly recommended."
Professor Mark Reed, Newcastle University - proofreading and editing for fasttrackimpact.com and Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy.
"...incredibly constructive and helpful."
LLCM Diploma by Thesis candidate (successfully passed December 2020)
"Your points were really useful - helped me to reshape my essay and I feel much happier with it now."
BA Philosophy student
"Extremely helpful to a non-native English speaker, especially in helping me to phrase things well."
MA Philosophy student
Professor Mark Reed, Newcastle University - proofreading and editing for fasttrackimpact.com and Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy.
"...incredibly constructive and helpful."
LLCM Diploma by Thesis candidate (successfully passed December 2020)
"Your points were really useful - helped me to reshape my essay and I feel much happier with it now."
BA Philosophy student
"Extremely helpful to a non-native English speaker, especially in helping me to phrase things well."
MA Philosophy student